
words for you ♥ pt. 3

Winter went on and soon I found myself from his bed. Don’t get me wrong – usually I found myself under his bed after furious friendly wrestling which I most of the time lost (sometimes on purpose).  But after those playful fights we laid in his bed, next to each other, talking about things we had seen or heard or which were yet to come. We talked about something totally random and sometimes we talked about serious stuff.  And sometimes, we just laid there. Sometimes back to back, other times facing each other. I smiled and he smiled back – if he didn’t feel like pushing me off from the bed.

Then started the time when I broke off with my boyfriend and he was there to comfort me. He scolded me about my stupid reactions and actions (cutting is never ever helpful I say). After that his room became the place where I ran from the nasty world. When I was there nothing mattered, nothing was wrong. There was only me and him. We were the only people in the world at those moments.

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